Adam Stevens Photography

March 15, 2010

Blog love?

Filed under: Personal — photobby @ 5:05 pm

Hello, any one home?  (crickets chirping)

I know it’s been what, like a week?  That’s probably the longest dry spell so far this year.  So first off the excuses-

I had my Windows 7 beta expire on me on 3-1-10.  Not unexpected, but I didn’t have time to finish some post processing on some of the stuff I was working on when it “went down”.  Total lack of planning on my part drug out the upgrade for almost a week.  I saw some of that coming and got some stuff in the pipe…  So all the content you have been enjoying for the past week, is from February (head hung in shame).  But you liked it, right?  Well what I didn’t anticipate was all the stuff that got backed up from March 1 till now (it was the computer that was a no-go, the camera still worked just fine…).  Some of it is stuff is personal and some of it is for groups with kids so I don’t tend to publish much of that here.  But never fear!  You should see some nice photos and my typical jumbled prose flowing back in over this week.  Getting caught up and then a bit more current…  Kinda like skipping the dishes for a few days.  But without the smell (this is in no way a comment on my Domestic CEO, but more a recollection of my life on the mens floor of a dorm in college).

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